Spectacular views! The road looks good from a distance.... |
Unusual flowers I've not seen elsewhere |
Some parts are better walked. |
While we were camped outside of Bouse, AZ, I was invited to go to The Desert Bar with some off-roading enthusiasts. I've heard of the
Desert Bar from many people who have gone, knew of its uniqueness and also of the somewhat bumpy road getting up there. So far we hadn't felt compelled to go, although we thought it might be interesting. And then along comes an opportunity I didn't want to pass up. Because I would have felt like a wuss if I had! I decided to go for the Adventure instead of comfort and safety. So off we went, and instead of the rather rough road going in, we took the back way. I'm not sure I would call it a road. Well, maybe: if you have 4-wheel drive and plan to use it--a lot!, if you have enough clearance to get over some big rocks, if you don't mind desert pinstripes (getting up close and personal with thorny bushes), if you don't mind dirt and bumpy rides that bounce your head off the window, then, yes, it's a road! Truly, going with enthusiasts made it fun. Jerry opted out and I almost did. It's enough that it's about an hour plus drive on the main road, but the sound of 3 or more hours taking the back way had me questioning the wisdom of this. I was concerned about sitting so long. I also was wondering if there would be any stops along the way, not only to stretch my legs, but to '
pick flowers' as my Grandmother called it. It was a relief to discover that due to the bouncing, movement side to side and having to keep my balance, I wasn't just sitting there and didn't have a chance to get stiff. Plus we stopped several times to get out, stretch legs, take pictures (while not in constant motion!), oooh and ahhh over the scenery, and, yes, '
pick flowers'. We were rewarded by spectacular scenery, the comradery that happens when challenges are met, and the fun of arriving at this picturesque oasis in the desert.
The Desert Bar is only open on the weekends and they do a hopping business in those two days. People come from all over the place to enjoy food, drinks and music at this remote place. It's hard to fathom the kind of vision needed to think up something like this, but it's really something to see. It's been built in stages and they are still building. It runs totally on solar and I got a peek at 2 of the battery banks. The smaller one had 48 linked together. The food there is typical fast food: hamburgers, specialty fries, etc. Since we were eating outside, I felt comfortable eating the lunch I had brought with me while the others supported the local economy. There was a band playing and quite a festive air about the place, and lots of people.
First view of the Desert Bar. It was packed! Ahead of me are MP, Wendy and Dave. |
From the entrance of the 'back way' it took us about 2-1/2 hours to go the 5 miles to the bar. The scenery was spectacular. Some of the sections of road were pretty tricky, and at the very start was a part they called a 'gatekeeper'. If you could get up that section, you could probably make it the rest of the way, but it was not for the faint of heart! I was the first to hop out and walk up it, but in the end everyone got out and the drivers assessed it to figure out the best way to go up. The careful way they looked it over and planned it built confidence, and I was happy to hop back in once they made it up the hill. I took videos of 3 different vehicles making it up that climb. Since I was at the top, it didn't show very well how steep it actually was. There was only one other section I walked, and I was very quick to hop out when asked if I wanted to walk this part. Yessiree! Plus I could take more pictures, getting better shots from the outside.
Several times we pulled over to allow faster off-road vehicles pass us. Since we were in two Jeeps, we weren't trying to win any races. There were quite a few people along the way, some coming towards us, some passing us. Since it's a one-way road, either we or the other party pulled off onto a wide spot to allow passing with lots of hand waving, some sharing of "How's the road up ahead" and "You're almost there! Cold beers await!" After we reached the highest point where there was a memorial, we heard that the next little bit would be tricky, but since we made it this far, we'd do fine. I was reassured, but some sections felt much like whitewater rafting in a Jeep!
Clockwise from the top: The small church from the front, cement floor, stamped tin walls and ceiling. |
Nice view while washing your hands. |
One intriguing addition to the Desert Bar is this tiny church. It's about 10 feet square, made all of steel and lined with stamped tin. It's beautiful inside. There's a plaque inside of all those who donated funds to make it. I wonder how many weddings have been done here?
One of the first things one hears about whenever people talk about the Desert Bar is the Ladies Room. So of course I had to see it for myself. It's quite unique, with a very industrial look and a half wall in front of the sinks. Instead of windows, it's just open to the air with a great view since it's so high up. How many Ladies' rooms warrant pictures?
All in all, it was a fun day and I'm glad I went. But everyone agreed that they can cross that road off their list. "Been there, done that" It wasn't exactly harrowing, but there were moments when I heard "Definitely getting a lift kit when I get home" muttered more than once. I think next time, I'll just go the more usual route. We left that way and it reminded me of the road in Monument Valley. Not exactly smooth, but much smoother than our first section!
Top: Me and MP, Bottom left: MP and Wendy, Bottom right: Vic, Dave, and Rick in the background. |
Someone did a lot of work building this road! Check out the rock wall edge. This section stretched for about 300 feet. |
Linda - I just clicked in to your blog and saw this post. Brought back memories of an AWESOME day!!! It was so fun and I was so glad you went with! You were braver than me! Love you, GF! Can't wait till next year! <3 MP