18 days at Boomerville in Quartzsite, and we were ready to move on and dump tanks! We left on Sunday before the rain hit since we didn't want to get stuck way out there with full/empty tanks and have to wait for the water to go down. Halfway to Yuma I decided we were crazy to be driving on such a windy day! Driving mostly with side wind was nerve wracking, but since I was following a rig taller than ours, that was a comfort since he didn't get pushed off the road! Part of the journey was driving into the wind and it felt like it was heavy going. Jerry was driving the truck and following me. As we approached Yuma, it looked like there was a brownish cloud hanging over it, so I wasn't sure what we were getting into. Yikes! So much dust in the air. At home in Washington, that cloud would have meant rain. We found a place to hunker down at the BLM land near the VFW on Hwy 95 just outside of Yuma. It was comforting to be in the midst of so many rigs and it rained much less there than the reports of Quartzsite, so maybe it wasn't so crazy! The next day was still windy, but less so.

We also got in on a craft fair, line dancing and church, among other activities at the Kofa park. We also went into Yuma to check out the Old Town area which was interesting. Lots of small shops, and we got in on the tail end of the Farmer's Market.
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